Day 6: Successful solar slab!

Short post because we are exhausted- we made it up and down solar slab, our giant (2,000 vertical feet of climbing) objective!

Some highlights involve the most intricately patterned, downright CELESTIAL sandstone we have ever seen, really fun movement on the route, and epic sweeping views of the surrounding mountains.

Notes if I come back to write more about such a grand day:

  • 2:30 am alarm since we budgeted 7hrs to climb (and many more to hike in, get down, hike out)

  • Surprise daylight savings

  • Surprise gate locked until 6am, alternate approach

  • Simul climbing for first time on gear

  • “Painted Bowl” descent was epic

  • Checkerboard pink sandstone- what forms them?

  • Amazing teamwork/ sense of humor/ technical skillz with Jason